Industrial Marking & Coding Solutions | Diagraph
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Diagraph provides product identification solutions that make it easy for manufacturers to make the perfect mark. From technology pairing to comprehensive service support, our high-speed inkjet coders, date coder products and all-electric automated labelers help customers in every aspect of their coding and labeling operations


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Printed code on pharmaceutical package

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  • Overcoming the daily challenges of pigmented ink printing Posted 10 months ago
    Overcoming the daily challenges of pigmented ink printing Using pigmented ink in printers, especially ‘white ink’, often presents daily challenges compared to standard dye-based ink printers that result in more downtime. These challenges often include more frequent servicing and daily cleaning. But why? Because pigment isn't naturally soluble in the solvent, there is often: Reduced contrast Blocked filters, pipes and nozzles Broken pumps and valves Settling and clumping leading to poor print Using pigmented ink offers some benefits as well. Dyes filter light and make the ink darker while pigments reflect light and make the ink lighter. This makes pigmented inks perfect for dark substrates like cables, pipes, bottles, electronic chips and automotive parts, which often tend to be black or darker in color. The extremely high color fastness of pigmented inks ensure the color is retained for a long period of time. Pigmented inks also offer very high adhesion. Certain design features of a pigmented ink printer can minimize the challenges and ensure high print quality. A key area to consider when selecting a printer is whether the printer limits pigment settling. Features to ...
  • Avoid Labeling Mistakes by Removing Plant Air Posted last year
    The process of applying labels in the packaging industry is a critical aspect of production that demands precision and speed. Transitioning to all-electric label applicators can significantly enhance this process by eliminating the reliance on plant air, resulting in cost reductions and fewer instances of misapplied or missing labels. Advantages associated with implementing all-electric label applicators in manufacturing operations are listed below. Gain precision and accuracy through applicator control The closed-loop speed control and setting capabilities of servo motors in all-electric labelers ensure consistent and repeatable label placement. Achieving this level of consistency is considerably more challenging for pneumatic labelers that rely on plant air. When a pneumatic labeler connects to the plant’s main air line, air pressure availability for optimal tamp movement cannot always be guaranteed. This is because air pressure availability depends on how many other pieces of equipment are connected to or using the main air line in that moment. If the air pressure is insufficiently distributed and falls below the required level, the actuator may not fully engage or may take longer to engage leading to inaccurate ...
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