Laser marking on nutraceutical products provide robust traceabili
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Laser marking on nutraceutical products provide robust traceability

nutraceuticals image

Nutraceuticals are a rapidly expanding market in the United States and the market is expected to continue its growth by more than 8% over the next six years*. Laser coders are an ideal solution for the nutraceuticals market as they provide robust traceability to meet every budget, line speed and substrate material need.

What are Nutraceuticals?

Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources that are reported to provide health benefits in addition to the normal nutritional value found in foods. Some examples of nutraceuticals are natural whole foods, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, fortified dairy products, herbal products, milk and cereals. The United States has seen significant growth in products containing CBD and THC following legalization in specific states.

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Why do they need marking?

Typically, foods will require a best before and / or a use by date. Batch and traceability codes may also be needed. Direct marking is sometimes required on the surface of THC edible products to provide a warning symbol.


Why are lasers the ideal marking solution for nutraceutical customers?

Some important benefits lasers provide are:

  • Ability to mark on multiple surfaces (e.g. plastic containers, laminated pouches, glass bottles, etc.)
  • Marking on individual products on a moving production line or stationary batches of products in trays
  • Consumables (e.g. inks, solvents, dyes or labels) are not required
  • Message content, size and style of font and logos are quick and easy to change
  • A permanent legible mark is generated to help avoid tampering of use by dates and refilling by third parties
  • Addition of traceability in the event of a product recall
  • Visible warning indicators are created with non-contact marking on edibles


Contact Diagraph today to discover the benefits Linx Lasers can provide your company.



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