Enhancing Quality Control with Linx 8900 Series CIJ Printers | Di
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Enhancing Quality Control with Linx 8900 Series CIJ Printers
Warning tower for Linx 8900 CIJ printer


Manufacturers across various industries rely on small character continuous inkjet (CIJ) printers to print essential variable information such as date codes, batch codes, logos and weights on a diverse range of products and substrates.

The importance of variable information in quality control

Adding variable information is crucial for maintaining quality control. Products without the necessary coded information can be rejected within the supply chain. Suppliers may incur fines if their products do not meet the packaging specifications required by their customers. For example, in the context of food safety, unmarked products pose severe risks. During a recall, unmarked products are typically considered suspect to ensure public safety, regardless of whether they should be part of the recall, leading to significant losses.

Enhancing production with Linx 8900 series CIJ printers

Linx 8900 series CIJ printers feature an optional alarm output system designed to enhance coding reliability and quality. These alarms can indicate warnings, faults and failures. The alarm output signals can be directed to warning beacons on the printer. These can be a default 24V connector for a red-light alarm beacon, a three-color beacon for multiple warning signals, or an optional volt-free contact (VFC) connector typically linked to a programmable logic controller (PLC).

Alarm signals are used to control external alarm beacons, warning lights or audible alarms.  This alerts operators of issues such as printing failures, low fluid levels, or upcoming preventative maintenance requirements. Additionally, customers can utilize these alarms to ensure their production lines are coding correctly. An alarm beacon on the printer provides real-time printer status information to the line operator, while the VFC signal can be connected to a PLC programmed to halt the production line if the printer experiences a fault that results in no print.

Benefits of dual alarm systems

The dual alarm, which combines the 24V signal and VFC, is a popular solution among our customers. This system offers peace of mind, ensuring that products are properly coded and ready for market. It helps prevent costly mistakes and maintains the efficiency of production lines. 

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